Key West Embarrassment

Key West Embarrassment……..I remember when I met my wife, we decided to take a Labor Day weekend get-a-way to the Florida Keys.  This was our first trip to the Keys.  We stayed in Islamorada and had a great time.  We heard so much of Key West, so on the third day we took the drive to check things out.

We did the usual touristy things and did a lot of walking.  We saw a lot of people riding around on scooters.  Well, having some motorcycle experience we rented one of those scooters.  It was nice riding around the island.  Like everyone, we took our picture at the southern most tip of the United Stated.  While riding around, A group of people in a very old cars asked us in broken english, “which way to Miami”.  Wow, you’d think I should be a hero on discovering how the illegals get to Miami.

Back to Key West.  Having a nice time on the scooter, we decided to park our ride and get something to eat and visit the shoppes.  We had a nice time and thought we better make the long trip home.  We got back on the scooter, started it up and tried to take off.  It wouldn’t move and shut down.  Tried again and again but the same thing happened.  Finally, someone said that I had to take off the bicycle lock and cable off the scooter.  What an embarrassing incident as I was trying to impress my future wife.

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